We’ve clarified the answers to a few frequently asked questions so that you can proceed to
employing our foam party services with ease!

What Must I Provide?
Both a water supply and an electricity hookup are within a hundred feet of where the party is
going to be hosted.

Is It Safe For Kids And Pets To Play In The Foam?
Yes! In addition to being hypoallergenic, dye-free, biodegradable, and completely harmless to
children, pets, and the planet, our foam solution is also completely odorless. Only high-quality,
commercial-grade foam solution is used.

How Wet Am I Going To Get?
For a 60-minute event, we utilize almost 100 gallons of water to create the Foam with a
hypo-allergenic & biodegradable solution; therefore, there will be some degree of dampness
when frolicking in the foam.

How Do I Book With Foamboree?
The easiest ways to get in contact with us are by email or the online form provided on our site.
Visit https://foamboree.com/contact-us/ or write to us at [email protected] to get in touch.

What Areas Do Your Services Cover?
We cover areas around Tampa, FL, Nashville, TN, Dallas, Tx, and Washington, DC.

What Is The Best Way To Clean Up?
This one is self-cleaning! After an hour, the foam dissolves and goes away. You may speed
things along by hosing it down with your yard hose.

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